Evolving List of All-Time Best Science Fiction Novels

Science fiction is the most visible and influential contemporary form of futurist imagination and thinking in the modern world. Science fiction is so popular because, in narrative form, it speaks to the whole person—intellect, imagination, emotion, and the senses; the cosmic, social, and personal; the natural and technological; the secular and the spiritual; and human values and modes of behavior—stimulating and enhancing holistic future consciousness. (See my articles on “future consciousness” for an explanation of this concept.) Indeed, science fiction, for many people in contemporary times, has become a total way of life—a way of experiencing reality and the future.

Although we may associate the concept of myth with ideas derivative from the past, or stories of fantasy rather than truth, I propose that science fiction is the “evolutionary mythology of the future,” providing ever-evolving dramatic narratives that inform us and both frighten and inspire us about the future. Science fiction, similar to the great myths of the past, provides imaginatively rich scenarios and stories that excite, educate, empower, and enlighten us. Yet science fiction provides plausible and credible new mythic narratives that are resonant with contemporary thought and issues of modern life.

Science fiction, indeed, is not an escape from reality, but following Arthur C. Clarke, it is the most penetrating form of inquiry and exploration into reality. Science fiction expands and deepens our understanding of how humanity fits into the vast cosmic reaches of space and time; it illuminates the present as well as the future. Further, science fiction is not just about the future of science and technology; it is about the future of everything—it is about the possibility space of existence.

The science fiction novel, in particular, draws the reader into a full-blown adventure of the imagination and the intellect, creating a rich, in-depth, and enthralling experience that both transcends and illuminates our everyday world. We journey to a different land, a different reality, and are able to realize a broadening of our perspective on the cosmos and humankind.

The following ranked list is my considered judgment of the best science fiction novels of all time. On the top of the list is Olaf Stapledon’s Star Maker, his cosmic and philosophical epoch that extends billions of years into the future, and then, in its mystical conclusion, transcends the life of our universe. Second on the list is Dan Simmons’ Hyperion, the great literary, mythic, archetypal, and poetic masterpiece of contemporary science fiction. Such novels, and many others that follow on this list, have unequivocally and deeply expanded my consciousness of reality—past, present, and future.

My criteria for determining this ranking include:

  • Scope and originality of imagination (creativity)
  • Literary quality
  • Reader engagement – Joy/pleasure in reading
  • Quality of plot
  • Coherence and orchestration of ideas/events
  • Uniqueness
  • Scientific/technological/philosophical intelligence
  • Emotional and personal impact
  • Richness of scenarios and characters
  • Memorability
  • Ineffable beyond-ness (the fudge factor)

The list is continually evolving; in fact, it has been updated numerous times over the last dozen or so years. Although I have been reading science fiction for over fifty years, I know that there are still many important science fiction novels that I have not yet read, as well as an ongoing flow of new novels being published every year. My intent is that I will continue to read more older classics, as well as new noteworthy novels that come out in the future. The list will keep growing and probably re-arranging itself.

For a complete ranked list of classics, based on number of awards and nominations for awards, see Worlds Without End. As I have read most of the novels on this list, my own ranking below is based on a fairly comprehensive reading of science fiction literature. However, in my view, the WWE list is skewed toward the middle-range past, with more recent novels and very early classics either too low or missing in the ranking. Conversely, other lists I’ve encountered on other websites, in my opinion, are too skewed relative to the present, with classic science fiction ranked too low or ignored. Hopefully, in my list I have achieved a balance of the old, the middle-aged, and the new.

Aside from a balance of older classics with contemporary works, there is also a balance within my list of techie (hard) science fiction and humanistic and personal tales. There are space operas and dystopias; adventures, satires, allegories, comedies, and tragedies; human stories and alien stories; alternate histories and alternate universes; love stories, horror stories, and stories of madness. And there are tales that fold time and/or journey to the beginning and/or the end of time. To get a sense of outstanding works within each of the diverse array of themes and territories covered in science fiction, I recommend the website The Best Sci-Fi Book Lists in which the best science fiction novels are listed by sub-genre.

See my essays on science fiction as the mythology of the future and science fiction as the evolutionary mythology of the future , which examine many of the novels and authors on my evolving list. The essays provide historical sketches of the evolution of science fiction from its beginnings in classical myth through the Golden and Silver Ages, the New Wave, Cyberpunk, and the great contemporary efflorescence of humanistic and cosmic science fiction. In these essays I look at both science fiction literature and science fiction film (See my best science fiction movies), and I consider how science fiction has both influenced and been influenced by the evolution of modern society over the last two centuries.

The essays are also in evolution; I have expanded the content of the essays into a full length college course, a weekend workshop, and an extensive webinar series. A brief introductory three part video is available: Science Fiction: The Mythology of the Future. The webinar series (covering over 60 hours of recorded videos) is available for viewing at: The Evolution of Science Fiction Webinar Series.

The most detailed and comprehensive discussion of science fiction novels that I have created covering ancient times up through Olaf Stapledon’s novels can be found in the three volumes of my book series Science Fiction: The Evolutionary Mythology of the Future. See the book page on this website for descriptions of these books, as well as links for purchasing the books.

This list was last updated in March, 2024.

  1. Star Maker Olaf Stapledon (1937)
  2. Hyperion Dan Simmons (1989)
  3. City Clifford Simak (1952)
  4. A Canticle for Leibowitz Walter Miller (1959)
  5. Last and First Men Olaf Stapledon (1931)
  6. The Time Machine H. G. Wells (1895)
  7. Anathem Neal Stephenson (2008)
  8. Perdido Street Station China Miéville (2000)
  9. A Fire Upon the Deep Vernor Vinge (1992)
  10. Stand on Zanzibar John Brunner (1968)
  11. The Time Ships Stephen Baxter (1995)
  12. River of Gods Ian McDonald (2004)
  13. The Diamond Age Neal Stephenson (1995)
  14. Vacuum Diagrams Stephen Baxter (1997)
  15. Mars Trilogy (Red Mars, Blue Mars, Green Mars) Kim Stanley Robinson (1991, 1994, 1996)
  16. Children of Time Adrian Tchaikovsky (2015)
  17. Brittle Innings Michael Bishop (1994)
  18. The Three-Body Problem Cixin Liu (2006/2014)
  19. Brasyl Ian McDonald (2007)
  20. Accelerando Charles Stross (2005)
  21. The Stars, My Destination Alfred Bester (1956)
  22. The Demolished Man Alfred Bester (1953)
  23. Slaughterhouse Five Kurt Vonnegut (1969)
  24. Earth Abides George Stewart (1949)
  25. The Martian Chronicles Ray Bradbury (1950)
  26. Spin Robert Charles Wilson (2005)
  27. We Yevgeny Zamyatin (1921)
  28. Foundation Trilogy (Foundation, Foundation and Empire, & Second Foundation) Isaac Asimov (1951, 1952, 1953)
  29. Queen of Angels Greg Bear (1990)
  30. The Dispossessed Ursula LeGuin (1974)
  31. All the Birds in the Sky Charlie Jane Anders (2016)
  32. Children of Ruin Adrian Tchaikovsky (2019)
  33. Leviathan Wakes James S. A. Corey (2011)
  34. The Ministry of the Future Kim Stanley Robinson (2020)
  35. The Twentieth Century Albert Robida (1883)
  36. The Man Who Awoke Laurence Manning (1933)
  37. The War with the Newts Karel Capek (1937)
  38. The Dervish House Ian McDonald (2010)
  39. The Scar China Miéville (2002)
  40. The Night Land William Hope Hodgson (1912)
  41. Speaker for the Dead Orson Scott Card (1986)
  42. Matter Iain Banks (2008)
  43. The War of the Worlds H. G. Wells (1898)
  44. Hominids Robert Sawyer (2002)
  45. Snow Crash Neal Stephenson (1992)
  46. The Left Hand of Darkness Ursula LeGuin (1969)
  47. The Speed of Dark Elizabeth Moon (2003)
  48. Ready Player One Ernest Cline (2011)
  49. Seveneves Neal Stephenson (2015)
  50. She H. Rider Haggard (1887)
  51. Stranger in a Strange Land Robert Heinlein (1961)
  52. Watchmen Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons (1986/1987)
  53. Norstrilia Cordwainer Smith (1975)
  54. The War in the Air H. G. Wells (1908)
  55. Brainwave Poul Anderson (1954)
  56. Behold the Man Michael Moorcock (1968)
  57. Ringworld Larry Niven (1970)
  58. Brave New World Aldous Huxley (1932)
  59. 1984 George Orwell (1949)
  60. The First Men in the Moon H. G. Wells (1901)
  61. Two Planets Kurd Lasswitz (1897)
  62. To Say Nothing of the Dog Connie Willis (1998)
  63. The Man in the High Castle Philip K. Dick (1962)
  64. Dune Frank Herbert (1965)
  65. Diaspora Greg Egan (1997)
  66. The Humanoids Jack Williamson (1949)
  67. Permutation City Greg Egan (1994)
  68. Earth David Brin (1990)
  69. Central Station Lavie Tidhar (2016)
  70. The Quantum Thief Hannu Rajaniemi (2010)
  71. Bring the Jubilee Ward Moore (1955)
  72. The Anubis Gates Tim Powers (1983)
  73. Neuromancer William Gibson (1984)
  74. Hothouse Brian Aldiss (1962)
  75. More than Human Theodore Sturgeon (1953)
  76. The Space Merchants Frederick Pohl and C.M. Kornbluth (1953)
  77. The Yiddish Policemen’s Union Michael Chabon (2007)
  78. Erewhon: or, Over the Range Samuel Butler (1872)
  79. The Food of the Gods H. G. Wells (1904)
  80. Childhood’s End Arthur C. Clarke (1953)
  81. Ubik Philip K. Dick (1969)
  82. The Metal Monster Abraham Merritt (1920)
  83. The Man Who Folded Himself David Gerrold (1973)
  84. The Uplift War David Brin (1987)
  85. The Forever War Joe Haldeman (1974)
  86. Grass Sheri Tepper (1989)
  87. Revelation Space Alastair Reynolds (2000)
  88. Doomsday Book Connie Willis (1992)
  89. The Lathe of Heaven Ursula Le Guin (1971)
  90. Schismatrix Bruce Sterling (1985)
  91. Beggars in Spain Nancy Kress (1993)
  92. Skylark of Valeron E. E. “Doc” Smith (1935)
  93. Metropolis Thea von Harbou (1926)
  94. Forever Peace Joe Haldeman (1997)
  95. City of Endless Night Milo Hastings (1920)
  96. When Worlds Collide Philip Wylie and Edwin Balmer (1932)
  97. Fahrenheit 451 Ray Bradbury (1953)
  98. Embassytown China Miéville (2011)
  99. Ender’s Game Orson Scott Card (1985)
  100. Flowers for Algernon Daniel Keyes (1966)
  101. The Shape of Things to Come H. G. Wells (1933)
  102. The City in the Middle of the Night Charlie Jane Anders (2019)
  103. Light M. John Harrison (2002)
  104. Schild’s Ladder Greg Egan (2002)
  105. Darwinia Robert Charles Wilson (1998)
  106. Immortality, Inc. Robert Sheckley (1959)
  107. House of Suns Alastair Reynolds (2008)
  108. Death’s End Cixin Liu (2016)
  109. Existence David Brin (2012)
  110. Infernal Devices K. W. Jeter (1987)
  111. Rapture of the Nerds Cory Doctorow and Charles Stross (2012)
  112. Tau Zero Poul Anderson (1970)
  113. Startide Rising David Brin (1983)
  114. The Inverted World Christopher Priest (1974)
  115. The Crystal World J. G. Ballard (1966)
  116. At the Mountains of Madness H. P. Lovecraft (1936)
  117. Homunculus James Blaylock (1986)
  118. Alas, Babylon Pat Frank (1959)
  119. 334 Thomas Disch (1974)
  120. The Fall of Hyperion Dan Simmons (1990)
  121. A Journey to the Center of the Earth Jules Verne (1864)
  122. Memoirs Found in a Bathtub Stanislaw Lem (1971)
  123. The Rise of Endymion Dan Simmons (1997)
  124. To Your Scattered Bodies Go Philip Jose Farmer (1971)
  125. The Fabulous Riverboat Philip Jose Farmer (1971)
  126. The Handmaid’s Tale Margaret Atwood (1986)
  127. Darwin’s Radio Greg Bear (1999)
  128. The Manifold Trilogy (Time, Space, Origin) Stephen Baxter (2000, 2001, 2002)
  129. Swastika Night Katharine Burdekin (1937)
  130. The Moon Pool Abraham Merritt (1919)
  131. Darkness and Dawn Trilogy (The Vacant World, Beyond the Great Oblivion, and The Afterglow) George Allen England (1912, 1913)
  132. Vril, The Power of the Coming Race Sir Edward Bulwer-Lytton (1871)
  133. Timelike Infinity Stephen Baxter (1992)
  134. Slan A. E. van Vogt (1940/1946)
  135. Valis Philip K. Dick (1981)
  136. The Absolute at Large Karel Capek (1922)
  137. The Princess of Mars Edgar Rice Burroughs (1912)
  138. The Caves of Steel Isaac Asimov (1953)
  139. What Mad Universe Fredric Brown (1949)
  140. Crashing Suns Edmond Hamilton (1928-1930/1965)
  141. The Amphibians: A Romance of 500,000 Years Hence S. Fowler Wright (1924)
  142. Son of Man Robert Silverberg (1971)
  143. Dying Inside Robert Silverberg (1972)
  144. The Book of Skulls Robert Silverberg (1972)
  145. Tower of Glass Robert Silverberg (1970)
  146. The Land that Time Forgot Trilogy (The Land that Time ForgotThe People that Time Forgot, and Out of Time’s Abyss) Edgar Rice Burroughs (1918)
  147. Moving Mars Greg Bear (1993)
  148. Falling Free Lois McMaster Bujold (1988)
  149. Eon Greg Bear (1985)
  150. The Chrysalids John Wyndham (1955)
  151. The Dying Earth Jack Vance (1950)
  152. The Midwich Cuckoos John Wyndham (1957)
  153. Old Man’s War John Scalzi (2005)
  154. Little Brother Cory Doctorow (2007)
  155. The Mightiest Machine John Campbell (1935)
  156. Titan John Varley (1979)
  157. Tomorrow’s Eve Villiers de l’Isle-Adam (1886)
  158. Looking Backward: 2000-1887 Edward Bellamy (1888)
  159. Gateway Frederick Pohl (1977)
  160. Odd John Olaf Stapledon (1935)
  161. The Island of Dr. Moreau H.G. Wells (1896)
  162. Redshirts John Scalzi (2012)
  163. The Lovers Philip Jose Farmer (1961)
  164. The Ware Tetralogy (Software, Wetware, Freeware, Realware) Rudy Rucker (1982, 1988, 1997, 2000)
  165. A Memory Called Empire Arkady Martine (2019)
  166. Omega: The Last Days of the World Camille Flammarion (1893)
  167. The Sleeper Awakes H.G. Wells (1899/1910)
  168. Mission of Gravity Hal Clement (1953)
  169. Evolution Stephen Baxter (2003)
  170. A Deepness in the Sky Vernor Vinge (1999)
  171. Raft Stephen Baxter (1991)
  172. Exultant Stephen Baxter (2004)
  173. The Shadow of the Torturer Gene Wolfe (1980)
  174. The Wanderer Fritz Leiber (1964)
  175. Rendezvous with Rama Arthur C. Clarke (1973)
  176. Flesh Philip Jose Farmer (1960,1968)
  177. Annihilation Jeff Vandermeer (2014)
  178. A Journey in Other Worlds John Jacob Astor (1894)
  179. Sirius Olaf Stapledon (1944)
  180. The Peripheral William Gibson (2014)
  181. The Snow Queen Joan Vinge (1980)
  182. The Gods of Mars Edgar Rice Burroughs (1913)
  183. The World Below: The Dwellers S. Fowler Wright (1929)
  184. The City and the Stars Arthur C. Clarke (1953)
  185. A Case of Conscience James Blish (1958)
  186. Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? Philip K. Dick (1968)
  187. Ilium Dan Simmons (2003)
  188. 2312 Kim Stanley Robinson (2012)
  189. Invaders from the Infinite John Campbell (1932)
  190. The House on the Borderland William Hope Hodgson (1908)
  191. A Modern Utopia H. G. Wells (1905)
  192. Seeds of Life John Taine (1931)
  193. A Voyage to Arcturus David Lindsey (1920)
  194. The Invisible Man H. G. Wells (1897)
  195. The Hampdenshire Wonder J. D. Beresford (1911)
  196. Roadside Picnic Arkady and Boris Strugatsky (1972)
  197. The Claw of the Conciliator Gene Wolfe (1981)
  198. The Three Stigmata of Palmer Eldritch Philip K. Dick (1965)
  199. Triplanetary E.E. “Doc” Smith (1934,1948)
  200. The Female Man Joanna Russ (1975)
  201. Singularity Sky Charles Stross (2003)
  202. Solaris Stanislaw Lem (1961)
  203. Frankenstein Mary Shelley (1818)
  204. The Algebraist Iain Banks (2004)
  205. Lord of Light Roger Zelazny (1967)
  206. Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde Robert Louis Stevenson (1886)
  207. The Voyage of the Space Beagle A. E. van Vogt (1950)
  208. The Big Time Fritz Leiber (1961)
  209. Paris in the Twentieth Century Jules Verne (1863)
  210. I, Robot Isaac Asimov (1950)
  211. Timescape Gregory Benford (1980)
  212. No Enemy But Time Michael Bishop (1982)
  213. Ancillary Justice Annie Leckie (2013)
  214. Lucifer’s Hammer Larry Niven and Jerry Pournelle (1977)
  215. Rainbows End Vernor Vinge (2006)
  216. The Wind-Up Girl Paolo Bacigalupi (2009)
  217. Mindscan Robert Sawyer (2005)
  218. Blood Music Greg Bear (1985)
  219. Lest Darkness Fall L. Sprague de Camp (1949)
  220. Flow My Tears, the Policeman Said Philip K. Dick (1974)
  221. The Dark Forest Cixin Liu (2015)
  222. Limbo Bernard Wolfe (1952)
  223. Gray Lensman E. E. “Doc” Smith (1939-1940)
  224. Skylark Three E. E. “Doc” Smith (1930)
  225. Ancient Shores Jack McDevitt (1996)
  226. The End of Eternity Isaac Asimov (1955)
  227. Beyond this Horizon Robert Heinlein (1942/1948)
  228. Foundation’s Edge Isaac Asimov (1982)
  229. Off on a Comet Jules Verne (1877)
  230. The Puppet Masters Robert Heinlein (1951)
  231. Make Room! Make Room! Harry Harrison (1966)
  232. Time Enough for Love Robert Heinlein (1973)
  233. The Terminal Experiment Robert Sawyer (1995)
  234. Galaxies Like Grains of Sand Brian Aldiss (1960)
  235. Starship Troopers Robert Heinlein (1959)
  236. Martian Time-Slip Philip K. Dick (1964)
  237. Parable of the Talents Octavia Butler (1998)
  238. True Names Vernor Vinge (1981)
  239. Orphans of the Sky Robert Heinlein (1941/1963)
  240. Magic, Inc. Robert Heinlein (1940)
  241. Deus Irae Philip K. Dick and Roger Zelazny (1976)
  242. The Fountains of Paradise Arthur C. Clarke (1978)
  243. Niels Klim’s Underground Travels Ludvig Holberg (1741)
  244. Herland Charlotte Perkins Gilman (1915)
  245. No Blade of Grass John Christopher (1956)
  246. The Naked Sun Isaac Asimov (1956/1957)
  247. Waldo Robert Heinlein (1942)
  248. The Mummy! A Tale of the Twenty-Second Century Jane Loudon (1827)
  249. The Lost World Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (1912)
  250. The Day of the Triffids John Wyndham (1951)
  251. Lord Kelvin’s Machine James Blaylock (1992)
  252. The Collapsing Empire John Scalzi (2017)
  253. The Chronoliths Robert Charles Wilson (2001)
  254. The Difference Engine William Gibson and Bruce Sterling (1990)
  255. Lumen Camille Flammarion (1872)
  256. Wake Robert Sawyer (2009)
  257. The Legion of Time Jack Williamson (1938)
  258. Network Effect Martha Wells (2020)
  259. The Star Rover Jack London (1915)
  260. Seeker Jack McDevitt (2005)
  261. The Sirens of Titan Kurt Vonnegut (1959)
  262. American Gods Neil Gaiman (2001)
  263. Tomorrow! Philip Wylie (1954)
  264. Sinister Barrier Eric Frank Russell (1939/1948)
  265. Dreamsnake Vonda McIntyre (1978)
  266. Marooned in Realtime Vernor Vinge (1986)
  267. Man Plus Frederick Pohl (1976)
  268. Methuselah’s Children Robert Heinlein (1941/1958)
  269. The Door into Summer Robert Heinlein (1956/1957)
  270. The Robots of Dawn Isaac Asimov (1983)
  271. Dr. Bloodmoney or How We Got Along After the Bomb Philip K. Dick (1965)
  272. The Moon is a Harsh Mistress Robert Heinlein (1966)
  273. A Fall of Moondust Arthur C. Clarke (1961)
  274. Down and Out in the Magic Kingdom Cory Doctorow (2003)
  275. Blackfish City Sam Miller (2018)
  276. Fury Henry Kuttner (1947)
  277. Pebble in the Sky Isaac Asimov (1950)
  278. Across the Zodiac Percy Gregg (1880)
  279. The Weapon Shops of Isher A. E. van Vogt (1951)
  280. Slapstick Kurt Vonnegut (1976)
  281. Dhalgren Samuel Delany (1974)
  282. The World Set Free H. G. Wells (1914)
  283. Galactic Patrol E. E. “Doc” Smith (1937/1938)
  284. 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea Jules Verne (1869)
  285. Morlock Night K. W. Jeter (1979)
  286. Who? Algis Budrys (1958)
  287. Damnation Alley Roger Zelazny (1969)
  288. Babel-17 Samuel Delany (1966)
  289. The Sixth Column (The Day after Tomorrow) Robert Heinlein (1941/1949)
  290. The Mote in God’s Eye Larry Niven and Jerry Pournelle (1975)
  291. When Harlie Was One David Gerrold (1972)
  292. Cat’s Cradle Kurt Vonnegut (1963)
  293. The Eyes of the Overworld Jack Vance (1966)
  294. Angel of the Revolution George Griffith (1893)
  295. The Boat of a Million Years Poul Anderson (1989)
  296. Distant Worlds Friedrich Mader (1911)
  297. Darker than You Think Jack Williamson (1940)
  298. Last Men in London Olaf Stapledon (1932)
  299. It This Goes On— Robert Heinlein (1940/1953)
  300. The Seedling Stars James Blish (1957)
  301. The Calculating Stars Mary Robinette Kowal (2018)
  302. Cities in the Air Edmond Hamilton (1929)
  303. Time Out of Joint Philip K. Dick (1959)
  304. The Universe Wreckers Edmond Hamilton (1930)
  305. The Legion of Space Jack Williamson (1935/1947)
  306. Tanar of Pellucidar Edgar Rice Burroughs (1929)
  307. The Skylark of Space E. E. “Doc” Smith (1928)
  308. Men Like Gods H. G. Wells (1923)
  309. Gladiator Philip Wylie (1930)
  310. Among Others Jo Walton (2010)
  311. The Fifth Season N. K. Jemisin (2015)
  312. The Syndic Cyril M. Kornbluth (1953)
  313. Venus plus X Theodore Sturgeon (1960)
  314. Double Star Robert Heinlein (1956)
  315. Edison’s Conquest of Mars Garrett Serviss (1898)
  316. R.U.R. (Rossum’s Universal Robots) Karel Čapek (1920/1921)
  317. The Messiah of the Cylinder Victor Rousseau (1917)
  318. Chindi Jack McDevitt (2002)
  319. Eternity Road Jack McDevitt (1997)
  320. The Drowned World J. G. Ballard (1962)
  321. The Integral Trees Larry Niven (1983)
  322. The Time Stream John Taine (1931-1932)
  323. Parable of the Sower Octavia Butler (1993)
  324. The Kaiju Preservation Society John Scalzi (2022)
  325. Islands in the Net Bruce Sterling (1988)
  326. The Mad Planet/The Red Dust Murray Leinster (1920/1921)
  327. A Funeral for the Eyes of Fire Michael Bishop (1975)
  328. At the Earth’s Core Edgar Rice Burroughs (1914)
  329. Beyond Apollo Barry Malzberg (1972)
  330. Dinosaur Beach Keith Laumer (1971)
  331. Gather, Darkness Fritz Leiber (1943)
  332. Before Adam Jack London (1906/1907)
  333. The Chessmen of Mars Edgar Rice Burroughs (1922)
  334. A Columbus of Space Garrett Putman Serviss (1909)
  335. The Second Deluge Garrett Putman Serviss (1911)
  336. A Mirror for Observers Edgar Pangborn (1954)
  337. The Space Trilogy (Out of the Silent Planet, Perelandra, and That Hideous Strength) C. S. Lewis (1938, 1943, 1945)
  338. The Last Man Jean Baptiste Grainville (1805)
  339. The World of Null-A A. E. van Vogt (1948)
  340. The Purple Cloud M. P. Shiel (1900)
  341. The Year 3000: A Dream Paolo Mantegazza (1897)
  342. Julian Comstock: A Story of 22nd Century America Robert Charles Wilson (2009)
  343. Black Easter James Blish (1968)
  344. Camp Concentration Thomas Disch (1972)
  345. The Iron Heel Jack London (1908)
  346. Counter-Clock World Philip Dick (1967)
  347. Farmer in the Sky Robert Heinlein (1950)
  348. Farnham’s Freehold Robert Heinlein (1964)
  349. This Immortal Roger Zelazny (1966)
  350. The Quantum Rose Catherine Asaro (2000)
  351. All Systems Red Martha Wells (2017)
  352. Podkayne of Mars Robert Heinlein (1963)
  353. Children of the Sky Vernor Vinge (2011)
  354. The Warlord of Mars Edgar Rice Burroughs (1913/1914)
  355. Second Stage Lensman E. E. “Doc” Smith (1941-1942)
  356. The Great Romance The Inhabitant (1881)
  357. Davy Edgar Pangborn (1964)
  358. The Battle of Dorking George Tomkyns Chesney (1871)
  359. Glory Road Robert Heinlein (1963)
  360. The Poison Belt Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (1913)
  361. A Time of Changes Robert Silverberg (1971)
  362. A Choice of Gods Clifford Simak (1972)
  363. Ring Around the Sun Clifford Simak (1952)
  364. The Year of the Quiet Sun Wilson Tucker (1970)
  365. A Honeymoon in Space George Griffith (1900)
  366. The Currents of Space Isaac Asimov (1952)
  367. News from Nowhere William Morris (1890)
  368. Ralph 124C 41+ Hugo Gernsback (1911)
  369. Time is the Simplest Thing Clifford Simak (1971)
  370. Brigands of the Moon Ray Cummings (1930)
  371. The Einstein Intersection Samuel Delany (1967)
  372. The Futurological Congress Stanislaw Lem (1971)
  373. Nova Samuel Delany (1968)
  374. The Massacre of Mankind Stephen Baxter (2017)
  375. The Paradox Men Charles Harness (1953)
  376. The Weapon Makers A. E. van Vogt (1943/1947)
  377. The Last American John James Mitchell (1889)
  378. Thuvia, Maid of Mars Edgar Rice Burroughs (1916/1920)
  379. The Martian Andy Weir (2011)
  380. The Incomplete Enchanter L. Sprague deCamp and Fletcher Pratt (1941)
  381. A Maze of Death Philip K. Dick (1971)
  382. Acceptance Jeff VanderMeer (2014)
  383. City at the World’s End Edmond Hamilton (1950)
  384. Dr. Futurity Philip K. Dick (1960)
  385. The City and the City China Miéville (2009)
  386. The Black Star Passes John Campbell (1930)
  387. Robur the Conqueror Jules Verne (1886)
  388. Gullivar of Mars Edwin Arnold (1905)
  389. The Greatest Adventure John Taine (1929)
  390. Pellucidar Edgar Rice Burroughs (1915)
  391. Islands in Space John Campbell (1931)
  392. The Vor Game Lois McMaster Bujold (1990)
  393. Solar Lottery Philip K. Dick (1955)
  394. Authority Jeff VanderMeer (2014)
  395. After Worlds End Jack Williamson (1938)
  396. The Girl in the Golden Atom Ray Cummings (1922)
  397. The Master Mind of Mars Edgar Rice Burroughs (1927)
  398. Master of the World Jules Verne (1904)
  399. The Man Who Mastered Time Ray Cummings (1924)
  400. The Stars like Dust Isaac Asimov (1951)
  401. Forbidden Planet W. J. Stuart (1956)
  402. The Castle of Iron L. Sprague deCamp and Fletcher Pratt (1941)
  403. After Worlds Collide Philip Wylie and Edwin Balmer (1933)
  404. In the Days of the Comet H. G. Wells (1906)
  405. The Players of Null-A A. E. van Vogt (1948)